Re-Defining Addiction: Beyond the Theoretical Disease Model


Part I: A More Realistic Framework for Understanding Addiction The conceptualization of addiction as a disease has dominated medical and public discourse for decades. While this model has helped reduce stigma and increase access to treatment, mounting evidence and evolving perspectives suggest this theoretical framework may be overly simplistic, li

Broken & Shattered


“Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.” (1 Peter 4:1) There is a savage battle that wages against each and every person on the planet, with a main focus on born again believers. It’s good against evil. Satan […]

Why Don’t People Get Help for Addiction Recovery?


There are several key reasons why people often don’t seek or receive adequate recovery support for addiction: Addressing these barriers requires a multifaceted approach, including improving access to affordable treatment, reducing stigma, increasing public awareness about addiction and available resources, and developing more comprehensive an

Dangers of Adderall Addiction


Adderall (amphetamine, dextroamphetamine) addiction poses several significant dangers. The drug has a high potential for abuse and misuse, which can lead to the development of a substance use disorder, including addiction. Psychological and Behavioral Risks: Addiction to Adderall can result in severe psychological dependence, characterized by a str

Are You In Withdrawal?


I’ve put together a fairly comprehensive list of common withdrawal symptoms for you.Many of these symptoms are a sign of something else rather than withdrawal. Before you know it,you’re being treated for other physical and/or psychological disorders and being prescribedmedications you don’t need. Then, you spiral out of control wi


AddictionOxycontinPrescription Drug Addiction

OxyContin, a prescription opioid pain medication containing oxycodone, carries several significant dangers. It’s not only a super dangerous pain killer, it’s a soul killer, and a life killer. Health Risks OxyContin abuse can lead to severe health consequences: Side Effects OxyContin can cause various side effects, which may be exacerbat

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