When Fellowship Feels Just Like Another Bar

Christian RecoveryEncouragement

Finding Authenticity in Faith-Based Recovery For many who have left addiction behind and are seeking to rebuild their lives, church or fellowship should be as a refuge. It needs to be a place of healing, acceptance, community, and spiritual renewal. But what happens when church starts to feel like the bar you left behind? What […]

A Letter to Your Friends & Family You Could Have Written Yourself


I have written a letter from a believer’s perspective, describing what recovery might look like. I want you to be able to understand that there’s a common thread in every believer who goes through this holy road. Family and friends often don’t or can’t understand what you’re going through as there are many hills and [&

Discovering God’s Biblical Name Will Free You

Christian Recovery

In your journey of recovery, knowing who God truly is can be a powerful source of strength and hope for you. The Bible reveals that God’s name is Yahweh, not ‘God’.  God describes His ‘title’ but not His name.  Yahweh is His name and He is the eternal “I AM.” But His name is is […]

The Power of Words in Recovery and in Life

Christian Recovery

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Words are never neutral; they either build up or tear down, heal or harm. In recovery, the words we speak to ourselves and others hold the key to our healing […]

Finding Your Divine Purpose and Gifts in Recovery

Christian Recovery

The journey of recovery from addiction is not merely about abstaining from substances or behaviors – it’s about fundamental transformation and becoming the ‘new creation in Christ’ that God has for you. Through a Biblical lens, this transformation is deeply spiritual, reflecting the promise found in 2 Corinthians 5:17: &ldqu