Finding Authenticity in Faith-Based Recovery For many who have left addiction behind and are seeking to rebuild their lives, church or fellowship should be as a refuge. It needs to be a place of healing, acceptance, community, and spiritual renewal. But what happens when church starts to feel like the bar you left behind? What […]
Relying on Yahweh’s Protection Against Hurtful Words
If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of cruel, unfair, or thoughtless words, you know how much they can hurt. Words have power. They can build us up or tear us down. Sometimes, the most painful wounds don’t come from physical attacks but from the things people say… especially when those words come from […]
The Biblical Path to Recovery is the Only True Way to 100% Freedom for a Lifetime
Addiction is a powerful force that can destroy souls, lives, relationships, and futures. Many paths to recovery exist, but for the believer, there is only one way to true and forever freedom… that’s the biblical way. This path is not just about breaking free from addiction; it is about walking in the new life that […]
A Letter to Your Friends & Family You Could Have Written Yourself
I have written a letter from a believer’s perspective, describing what recovery might look like. I want you to be able to understand that there’s a common thread in every believer who goes through this holy road. Family and friends often don’t or can’t understand what you’re going through as there are many hills and [&
When the World of Disease Theorists Call you Crazy, How to Respond When you’re Recovering God’s Way
Entering recovery God’s way is a bold, brave, and countercultural decision. The world all too often insists that addiction is purely a hopeless ongoing disease, best managed through clinical methods or secular programs that keep you in fear and bondage. Those approaches are incomplete without addressing the spiritual dimension of healing. As
How the Conviction of the Holy Spirit Draws Us Closer to Jesus
The most unique and awesome gifts God gives us in Christian recovery and in the Christian life, is the POWER of the Holy Spirit in our lives. When we come to Christ, the Holy Spirit becomes our POWER, our comfort, our guide, our teacher, and our strength. He becomes the ‘fuel’ that empowers us. He […]
Discovering God’s Biblical Name Will Free You
In your journey of recovery, knowing who God truly is can be a powerful source of strength and hope for you. The Bible reveals that God’s name is Yahweh, not ‘God’. God describes His ‘title’ but not His name. Yahweh is His name and He is the eternal “I AM.” But His name is is […]
Rebuilding Trust After Addiction Has Stripped You Of Being Trustworthy
Trust is the MOST important element in healthy relationships; however, as you know, addiction most often shatters trust. Everyone you love are now afraid to trust you at all. For all of you walking the healing road of recovery, rebuilding trust with loved ones can feel absolutely overwhelming. Yet, with God’s help, it becomes possible. [&hell
The Power of Words in Recovery and in Life
The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Words are never neutral; they either build up or tear down, heal or harm. In recovery, the words we speak to ourselves and others hold the key to our healing […]
The Journey Home: Daily Steps Toward Jesus and a Complete Recovery
“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:6) The path to a complete recovery is not only about breaking free from addiction but also about stepping into a new life of purpose, peace, and connection with Jesus Christ. It’s a […]
Finding Your Divine Purpose and Gifts in Recovery
The journey of recovery from addiction is not merely about abstaining from substances or behaviors – it’s about fundamental transformation and becoming the ‘new creation in Christ’ that God has for you. Through a Biblical lens, this transformation is deeply spiritual, reflecting the promise found in 2 Corinthians 5:17: &ldqu
How can Family & Friends Support Christian Loved Ones Through Recovery?
Families and close friends always ask, “how do I provide support to help in their recovery”? Loved ones usually feel uncomfortable around someone in recovery. It can become awkward at best. There are so many emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental phases that a recovering person goes through. They are figuring out how to do a [&helli
What Does The Bible Say About Addiction?
You are so very special to GOD! He made you in HIS image and for HIS pleasure to enjoy your fellowship. You’re HIS child! If you have children, you have an idea how important family is. What I’d like to do is tell you about some of the things GOD has to say about addiction. […]