How To Eliminate Most Distractions During Your Recovery

Life is filled with distractions. As soon as we start something we need to do, we become distracted by our phones, a knock on the door, making and eating a snack, and about a hundred other things we get bombarded with. It’s up to us to choose to focus on what’s important. Distractions become even worse during your recovery. You see, the enemy will create distractions for the sole purpose of stopping your spiritual growth and total recovery. As believers seeking to overcome addiction through Biblical principles, your #1 priority is to create an environment that fosters focus that will deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ. Here are a few effective strategies to eliminate distractions during your holy road to 100% addiction freedom for life. If you can think of any others, please drop your comment below this article.

Create a Sacred Space

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6;6)

When the Bible tells us to go into our prayer closet and pray, then we need to go into our prayer closet and pray. Simple. Some people who have large (literal) closet, make a space to pray. For most of us with normal-sized closets, we need to designate a specific area in your home for your time with God. Some clients I’ve had, go into their cars to be alone with the Lord. Wherever that sacred space is, make sure that this space is free from potential interruptions and conducive to prayer and reflection. I laugh when I think of one of my former clients, who still lived at home, and was constantly interrupted by his doting mom. He finally told me what was happening, so I told him to put the key in the ignition… turn the key until he heard the hum of the engine… put it in gear… and roll a mile or two from his home where there was a place that where it was unlikely he would be disturbed by anything but maybe a squirrel. Problem solved!

Establish a Consistent Routine

Choose a time for your daily devotions and make it happen at that time – no matter what. Whether it’s early morning before anyone wakes up or during a lunch break, time consistency helps train your mind to focus during these designated times. If you work from home, please walk the dog first and give your kitty some catnip.

Minimize Digital Distractions

Silence your phone or activate “Do Not Disturb” mode during your quiet time. Better yet, turn the phone off and leave it on the other side of your house. That’s why our phones all have an off button… so that we can turn the little distractions OFF. This mini digital detox will permit you to fully immerse yourself in God’s presence. It can also help you to stop your curious little fingers from running to your phone without even realizing it. This is NOT a time for social media, checking messages, or texting your great uncle who you haven’t spoken to for 11 years.

Use Background Music Wisely

Soft, instrumental music can create an atmosphere of worship as long as you can’t sing along. It also serves to drown out external noises. The bottom line is to choose quiet worship music without lyrics in order to prevent distraction from the words you’re reading or the prayers you’re offering up to the Throne of God.

Engage in Active Prayer and Study

Implement strategies to keep your mind engaged:

  1. Write out your prayers each day, along with your reflections: This helps you to maintain focus while providing a record of your recovery progress. I suggest Penzu journal which is a FREE online journal. I have used it for many, many years now. It’s secure and dependable. It does have options for upgrading that only gives you more design options, but you absolutely don’t need that unless you have money to burn.
  2. Use a timer for focused prayer: Set alarms on your phone for all of your prayer times and other recovery-related activities. Consider them appointments with Jesus.
  3. Read Scripture aloud: Speaking the words will improve concentration and retention. Speak them a few times.

Cultivate Spiritual Discipline

Remember that eliminating distractions is a process that requires practice and patience. Be firm with yourself so that when your mind wanders, simply redirect your thoughts back to God and the task on hand. It takes 30 consecutive days to create a new habit. Over time, this spiritual discipline will strengthen your ability to focus and will draw you so much closer to God and your full recovery.

Seek Accountability and Support

Look for a good believing recovery coach who truly understands addiction from their own experience, and can provide guidance and accountability among other things. Additionally, you can join a NON-12-step Christian recovery group. You could also find a mentor who can provide regular check-ins and shared experiences that can motivate you to stay committed to your recovery and spiritual growth.

Renew Your Mind Daily

Immerse yourself in God’s Word regularly. This renewal process helps align your thoughts with God’s will, making it easier to identify and eliminate distractions.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:1-2)

Practice Continuous Prayer

Strive to maintain an ongoing dialogue with God throughout your day. This constant communion helps keep your focus on Him, reducing the impact of worldly distractions.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

By being intentional, and implementing these strategies, you can create an environment that supports your holy road to total addiction freedom for a lifetime, allowing you to draw closer to God and experience Jesus’ transformative power in your life. With each breath, you’re moving towards total 100% healing and an eternity in Heaven with Jesus.

“But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:13)

Have a blissfully blessed rest of your day knowing that God has your back. Hope to see you in my next post. Bye for now.

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