You have been lied to about being ‘powerless’ over your addiction! My life is proof that Jesus Christ heals addiction for a lifetime. It’s HIS Power, through HIS Holy Spirit, that strengthened me, directed me, and healed me. We are NEVER powerless in the arms of our Savior! 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 states that “God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.” Our limitations allow His divine strength to work through us. And, it does! This is exactly how I was completely healed from the sin of addiction. Yes, it’s a sin, NOT a disease. It clearly says so in the Bible. It’s the sin of idolatry because it becomes the most important thing in our lives when we a struggling with addiction. Jesus must be #1. Once HE is, addiction leaves.

In my darkest moments, when addiction had woven itself into the very fabric of my being, I found myself searching for a way out. It was during my brutal struggle with a massive overdose that brought me to my knees. I woke up in the intensive care unit of a hospital where all of the medical team told me that my survival was an absolute miracle. They all expected me to die. I survived and I’m better than ever.

During my recovery, the Scriptures became very alive, and the Bible was (and always will be) my refuge, guidance, comfort, strength, and hope. JESUS was, and is, ever-present in my life. HE says that HE will never leave me or forsake me. During my year of recovery with HIM in 2008, HE was the Light in the darkness that almost destroyed me. HE showed me the way back to health. HE directed me every step of the way through HIS Word. HE’s always with me.

Jesus Christ emerged as my source of strength and healing. His unconditional love and sacrifice became the foundation upon which I was able to rebuild my life. I experienced an incredible transformation. He promises to make us a “new creation” and that HE did! Through my near death experience during my massive opioid overdose in 2008, I felt the chains of addiction completely break their ugly grip. I learned that my identity was not defined by my past mistakes, but by the love and grace extended to me through HIS unconditional love. This new found understanding propelled me forward, filling me with hope and a sense of purpose that I had long lost due to my former addiction. I returned to JESUS, my first Love!

My journey has been so easy regarding never craving drugs again; however, there have been struggles here and there with learning how to walk on that straight and narrow path that the LORD tells us to stay on. I learned through reading HIS Word (the Bible) and lots of studying. Each struggle has become a victory. My life is living close to GOD. The Bible is my guide and my one and only manual. I have found the one and only path to true freedom. The way through recovery, if you do it Biblically, is the guaranteed way out of addiction for a lifetime.

Each day I’m here is a testimony to the power of faith and resilience, reminding me that recovery is just a one time road to complete healing. I never once had a moment of worry about ‘relapse’. When GOD heals, it’s forever! It’s a done deal!

I now live with overwhelming gratitude for the struggles I faced, knowing they led me to a deep relationship with my JESUS. My story is one of redemption, and it is my fervent hope that others who find themselves in similar battles can discover the same liberating truth that I did. That truth is found through being truly born again and seeking JESUS in everything! This is the way to rise above your struggles and reclaim your life! Being filled with HIS peace, joy, and purpose, is Heavenly!

That’s why my husband and I co-founded Recovery Room 7. I now have the honor of being able to take people through a beautiful Biblical recovery, watching them transform to being fully recovered! Praise be to GOD!

Remember: The sure way out of addiction is the way through a Biblical Recovery!