Where Do You See God in Your Life Amidst Your Struggles?

Struggles can have a way of clouding our perspective. Addiction, emotional/physical pain, and overwhelming personal battles can make it feel like God is far away, or worse, that He’s absent altogether. But the truth is, as believers, God is ALWAYS with us, even in those moments when we may not feel His presence. The question isn’t whether God is with you, but whether you’re looking for Him in the midst of your struggle. Remember: “He will never leave us or forsake us”; it’s people who turn their back on Him.

You might see God in the subtle ways He strengthens you daily. Maybe it’s the unexpected kindness of a stranger, a Bible verse that speaks directly to your heart, or a quiet sense of peace in a moment when you feel like giving up. These are not coincidences; they’re whispers from our loving God who is walking with us, even when we don’t recognize Him.

God also shows Himself through people. A friend who reaches out, your coach who listens without judgment, or a family member who offers a second (or twentieth) chance — these are all reflections of His grace and mercy. He works through others to remind you that you are never alone.

Even in your darkest moments, God is present, shaping you through the fire of your struggles. Romans 8:28 reminds us that “God works all things together for the good of those who love Him”. Your addiction and trials do not define you; they are part of the testimony God is building in your life.

Think about the Biblical accounts of Daniel in the lions’ den and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. Daniel’s enemies conspired against him, yet when he was thrown into the lions’ den, Jesus shut the mouths of the lions. Daniel was not abandoned in his darkest hour. Likewise, when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to the golden image and were cast into the blazing furnace, BUT, they were not alone. Nebuchadnezzar himself exclaimed that he saw a fourth man in the fire, one who looked like the Son of God. Jesus was with them in their suffering, ensuring that they came through the flames unharmed.

These stories are powerful reminders that God does not abandon His children when the heat is turned up. Instead, He steps into the fire with us. He doesn’t just watch from a distance; He walks with us, protects us, and ensures that the trials we face do not consume us. If He was with Daniel in the lions’ den and with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fire, you can be sure He is with you in your struggles, too.

When you feel overwhelmed, ask yourself: Where can I see God today? Look for Him in the little victories, the moments of clarity, and the courage to take one more step. He’s there, reminding you that He’s never left your side.

So, as you walk this road of recovery, remember to open your eyes and heart to the ways God is revealing Himself. It might not always be in grand gestures, but in the quiet, steady assurance that He is with you, and He is for you. Keep seeking Him, because He is always with you.

Have a blessed rest of your day. I hope you see your struggles in a new way so that you know you’re never alone. See you next post!

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