Why Does Faith Based Recovery Work when All Others Usually Fail?

Most people have been brainwashed by the multi-billion dollar industry of addiction. Since the beginning of the 12 Step programs in 1934, there has been an explosive growth in ‘businesses’ (hospitals, addiction specialists, therapists, detox centers, in-patient rehabs, out-patient rehabs, and others) that thrive on the 12 Step participants. Actually, only 3% to 5% maintain sobriety after 5 years! That doesn’t include the statistics that the 12 Steps fail to take. They don’t even monitor their success and failure rates. The exponential growth of these ‘businesses’ has to do with ongoing participant failures. The more people fail to recover, the more revolving door participants are created… more money is made.
Isn’t it time for change to redefine addiction as a spiritual problem rather than some make believe theoretical disease? Some actual causes are Godless upbringing, despair, broken home, depression, trauma, abuse, poverty, loss of purpose, growing up with addicted family members, and much more.
It is my honest opinion that one of the huge factors that cause failure is the ‘disease theory’. It’s only a theory that cannot be proven at all. Some try by showing abnormal brain function of someone addicted. The thing they will NOT show you is a scan of someone who has maintained sobriety after two years! Guess what? It’s NORMAL! There are many seemingly ‘nice’ tricksters out there who do bad things for the almighty dollar!
Another issue is that the 12 Steps program forces you to state your name in front of your group and state that you are an addict. So, you’re being told you have a disease that will never ever get better. That’s bull#^*t! You are reduced to hopelessness, despair, and being a cash cow for the addiction ‘industry’.
There’s much much more I can tell you; however, I’m here to give you hope that a faith based Biblical recovery can absolutely CURE you IF you follow Jesus’ teachings and commit your life to HIM. I did it 16 years ago and have never looked back or had any problems or any cravings. So, I began a Christian ministry helping people heal through Jesus Christ. Guess what? My clients get better!
Here’s a list of some of the top points that explain why faith based Biblical recovery wins over any other kind.
- Jesus Christ is GOD Almighty! He created us! Need I say more?
- The Bible teaches us that with God, all things are possible, and that includes breaking free from the chains of addiction.
- The power of true faith can provide the strength and determination needed to overcome the challenges of addiction. Additionally, Jesus himself emphasized the importance of faith in healing, as seen in the example of the blind man who received his sight because of his faith.
- It’s important to remember that faith is not just about believing in something or someone; it’s KNOWING Jesus is real and the Bible is 100# True. Your true belief requires taking action. The Bible tells us not to only read it, but to DO IT!
- It’s important to find a non-denominational balanced Christian recovery program that helps you one on one.
- Surrounding yourself with positive Bible believing Christians, and seeking out resources that align with your faith, is instrumental in the healing process.
- Prayer and Biblical meditation on scripture are also powerful tools in building and strengthening your faith.
- The Bible is full of verses that can provide very real comfort, strength, and guidance during difficult times.
- Remember that healing from addiction is a healing road where it’s certainly important to seek help and support from other sincere believers along the way.
With honest and sincere faith in Jesus, having a born again Christian Recovery Coach, and with the support of other believers, it is beyond possible to break free from addiction and live a life of freedom, fulfillment and purpose.
Discover more from Reclaiming Wellness: From Struggle to Strength
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